Ambitious follows an impatient, bold Vietnamese-Cambodian-American girl who navigates her new life as a college-dropout despite her immigrant mother's wishes and plans for her. Based in the underdog city of Philadelphia, Ambitious is a six-episode comedy-drama, created by Jenna Lam and Samantha K. Tan, that demonstrates the following themes: college pressure for a first-generation student, interracial relationships, exploring one own's sexuality, cultural and academic identities, as well as the over-glamorized hustle culture.
Since 2018, Lam and Tan have been working on this complex, thought-provoking narrative. As this initially started as a senior college project, Ambitious has proven to have made a huge impact on its community. They've created opportunities on and off camera for new and colorful voices. This includes people of color, womxn and LGBTQ individuals, which was seen in all aspects of production.
Lam and Tan are incredibly grateful to have crossed paths with 3LHW, as they are given a second chance to rework their story with more resources and with more writing and life experience.